Addiction Help Colorado


Read amazing reviews and testimonials from our current and past clients. Amazing people living amazing lives in successful and happy recovery!


Check Out What People Are Saying About Hazelbrook Recovery

Changed My Life!
Hazelbrook Sober Living homes, has changed my life and given me the chance to fulfill so many dreams, and helped me get through a big portion of my hard times. I am almost 8 months sober and still moving forward, stronger. I get to help others in need and learn all together. It's a great place too make new goals and meet wonderful people.
Jessica J.

Forever Grateful

Very Successful
Since I've been in Hazelbrook I have maintained my sobriety, learned how to deal with grief and loss. I now can recognize my triggers . Great place to get back on track and motivates you to become the person you were meant to be, in my case.
Very successful!
Joseph T.

Thank you so much!

Number One Sober Living Home
Absolutely my number one sober living home to refer the people I work with too! The sense of community is unparalleled. Hazelbrook's options to build and explore new activities promoting sobriety is amazing! I believe and recommend them to all in need of this amazing support!
Dresden W.

Amazing Recovery!

A New Outlook
Hazelbrook is a place where I can call home! My time here taught me many things about who I am becoming in this new life of recovery! This place has helped me more then words can say. I'm blessed to be apart of the Hazelbrook family. This place saved my life I'm so grateful to have had this opportunity.
Samantha V.

Very Grateful and Happy!

Hazelbrook Colorado Recovery

Hazelbrook Recovery living life in Denver Colorado.

Those in early recovery often wonder about how to have fun without the use of drugs and/or alcohol. Hazelbrook Sober Living is a very strong community of happy people demonstrating that there is a myriad of ways to have fun and experience joy in recovery.

Took Me In & Gave Me a Home
I owe my life to the men & women of this organization, not that they would ever ask for anything in return, but I am definitely grateful for everything they have pushed me to accomplish. Thank you Hazelbrook for never giving up on me, even when I thought about giving up on myself!
Tory M.

Thank you Hazelbrook.

Above and Beyond
Hazelbrook goes above and beyond to ensure that their residents have everything they need to be successful in recovery and in LIFE. They hold you accountable, provide structure, and a safe living environment without drugs and alcohol. My recovery would not have been possible without them.
Brad S.

Forever Grateful.

Thank You Hazelbrook Recovery
I entered into Hazelbrook Afa house about 2 years ago and it quite literally saved my life. The house manager ,John, at the Ada house is one of the mist compassionate, Christ-like people I have ever met. I owe a great deal to him and Hazelbrook for helping me get control of my addiction and growing as a man.
Alan G.

So Blessed!

New Habits, New Friends, New Beginnings

Hazelbrook Recovery Sober Living is a place where people can feel safe and supported so
they can be free to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Give Us A Call

Denver Metro

Colorado Springs/Pueblo

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm MST

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Main Line

The R.E.A.L. Center

14109 E. Exposition Ave.
Aurora, CO 80012


16736 E. Iliff Ave
Aurora, CO 80013

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